"PERFECT" solutions

Given the drive for innovation & digitalization in combination with a personal approach, you can benefit from physical, digital or even phygital solutions!

The way of working is rational, pragmatic & always combined with a healthy dose of humour & creativity.

P hygitalization:

Benefit from “phygitalization” where physical & digital assets fortify one another. These assets vary between invitations, informative letters, discovery kits, press kits as well as video or E-learnings, presentations, virtual events/ games/ platforms, etc.

E vent management:

Outsource the project management of your events including hosting & presenting in several languages (NL/FR/ENG).

R ational & pragmatic WOW:

Gain the advantages of a Way Of Working based on integrity & respect. Embrace openness and especially the uniqueness of each and every individual!

F un, entertainment & creativity:

Let’s be honest.
Why work with an experiential agency that isn’t fun or creative?

E ducation, training & coaching:

Discover the range of training modules (on demand) or benefit from a tailormade coaching upon request. Soft skills such as (non-) verbal communication, feedback, sales skills… are no stranger to MISS CONNECTION.

C ommunication & PR:

In order to connect one needs to communicate. Outsource the content creation & translation of articles, presentations, sales sheets, press files, etc.

T ailor made fit:

Why think inside the box?
Everything is possible!
Anytime, anywhere & especially in a PERFECT execution!


Why would we waste our time or energy thinking in terms of problems or issues, right?